Bunkuany: archaeological terraces in the Sierra Nevada
Baquianos Travel
Baquianos Travel

Bunkuany: archaeological terraces a unique destination

Vie, 17 mayo 2024
Bunkuany: archaeological terraces a unique destination

The Bunkuany tourist corridor is an alternative to the tour to the Lost City, its archaeological ruins of the Tayrona culture are a connection with a magical territory that inhabited the territory. The tour is less extensive and demanding but with the same cultural and historical value of the Lost City. In this fantastic experience, it gives us the opportunity to discover the mountains with the softest coffee in Colombia, stones with engravings that speak to us and connect with magical realism, ancient ruins, natural pools with crystal clear waters where you can enjoy a relaxing bath, the flora and fauna of its forests.

The Charm of Bunkuany

Bunkuany is an archaeological site that stands out for its elaborate terraces built by the ancient indigenous civilizations of the Sierra Nevada. These terraces, which once served as agricultural and ceremonial centers, now sit amidst lush forests and mountainous landscapes. The combination of the natural majesty of the Sierra Nevada and the ingenious architecture of the terraces makes Bunkuany a truly magical place.

Once you discover Bunkuany Tayrona, you will be surprised to see the ruins and archaeological remains that are still preserved in this ancestral place; You will be able to tour the different paths, terraces and sacred squares that make up these ruins with local or indigenous guides.

Exploring the History of Bunkuany

The history of Bunkuany is deeply intertwined with the indigenous cultures that inhabited the region centuries ago. The Bunkuany terraces are testament to the ingenuity and skill of these civilizations, who used advanced engineering techniques to build and maintain these impressive agricultural systems on the steep slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Exploring Bunkuany is like traveling back in time, offering a fascinating look into the lives and practices of these ancient people.


For this adventure we will leave from Santa Marta in 4x4 transportation, on a journey of approximately 1 hour. We will pass by the Bonda church, Tayrona monument, to the Donama stones, a sacred site and connection of the traditional territory with codes carved in the stone.

We will continue the route for about 40 more minutes, passing the La Lisa path and the Piedra and La Lisa rivers. Once in Boqueron, we will begin our 30-minute ascent through the coffee farm to the viewpoint, where you can see Santa Marta and Tayrona Park. After appreciating the panoramic view, we will continue our trekking for an hour and a half to the Bunkuany terraces.

Upon our arrival in Bunkuany, we will rest in the ravine and reconnoiter the archaeological zone and its current meaning for the local communities. When these terraces came to light, the comparison with Ciudad Perdida was inevitable. Hence the media called it "The Second Lost City" due to its great resemblance.

We will continue our path downhill through the farms and forests of the Santa Teresa ravine until we reach the parking lot of the Hotel Madre Sierra where we will take our transportation back to Santa Marta.

For your visit to Bunkuany, keep the following in mind:

  • Proper Equipment: Be sure to bring appropriate hiking clothing and footwear, as well as sunscreen, insect repellent, and plenty of drinking water.

  • Respect for Heritage: Always remember to respect the archaeological and natural environment. Do not leave trash, do not damage structures and follow local guidelines for site conservation.

  • Trip Planning: Consider hiring a local guide who can offer you a more enriching and safe experience, providing detailed information about the history and importance of Bunkuany.

Discover the Treasure of Bunkuany

In short, Bunkuany is a destination that combines fascinating archaeological history with the impressive natural beauty of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The ancient terraces and lush landscaping make this site a truly unique and memorable place. Whether you are an archeology buff, a nature lover or simply someone looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure, Bunkuany has something special to offer you.

Don't wait any longer, and come discover the hidden treasure of Bunkuany for yourself!

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