The best places to visit in Peru this 2024
Baquianos Travel
Baquianos Travel

The best places to visit in Peru this 2024

Vie, 7 junio 2024
The best places to visit in Peru this 2024

Peru is a country of contrasts, where ancient history meets modernity and natural landscapes vary from arid deserts to lush tropical jungles . For travelers seeking adventure and unique cultural experiences, Peru is a must-see destination. In this guide, we will explore the best places to visit in Peru in 2024.

Machu Picchu: The Inca Citadel

You can't talk about Peru without mentioning Machu Picchu. This ancient Inca citadel, located high in the Andes, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Machu Picchu attracts millions of tourists each year. To get there, you can take the train from Cusco or, if you're feeling adventurous, opt for the Inca Trail hike. Once there, you'll be amazed by the stunning architecture and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Be sure to book your tickets in advance, as access is limited to preserve the site.

You may be interested in: Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley and 7 Colors Mountain, 5-day tour

Lima: The Gastronomic Capital of Latin America

Lima, the capital of Peru, is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city known for its incredible culinary scene. Known as the gastronomic capital of Latin America, Lima is home to some of the best restaurants in the world, such as Central and Maido. Don't miss the opportunity to try typical Peruvian dishes such as ceviche, causa and lomo saltado. In addition to gastronomy, Lima offers a rich history that can be explored in its many museums, such as the Larco Museum, and in its historic neighborhoods, such as Barranco and Miraflores, where you will find a mix of colonial and modern architecture.

Cusco: The Capital of the Inca Empire

Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, is a destination that you cannot miss. This city is full of history, culture and traditions that are reflected in its cobblestone streets and colonial buildings. The Qorikancha, or Temple of the Sun, is one of the most important sites in Cusco and offers a fascinating insight into Inca and colonial architecture. The Plaza de Armas is the heart of the city, surrounded by impressive churches and cathedrals. From Cusco, you can also visit the Sacred Valley of the Incas, home to archaeological sites such as Pisac and Ollantaytambo

Arequipa: The White City

Arequipa, known as the White City for its white ashlar buildings, is a jewel of southern Peru. Surrounded by three volcanoes, Arequipa offers a stunning backdrop to explore its colonial charms. The Monastery of Santa Catalina, a 16th-century convent, is a city within a city, with narrow streets and picturesque squares. Don't miss the Arequipa Cathedral and the Plaza de Armas, which are the heart of the city's social and cultural life. Arequipa is also the gateway to the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world, where you can observe Andean condors in flight.

Puno and Lake Titicaca: The Highest Navigable Lake in the World

Lake Titicaca, located at 3,812 meters above sea level, is the highest navigable lake in the world and a sacred place for Andean cultures. The city of Puno, located on the shores of the lake, is the starting point to explore the floating islands of the Uros, made entirely of reeds. You can also visit Taquile Island, known for its Quechua community and its intricate weavings. Lake Titicaca offers a unique cultural experience and an opportunity to connect with Peru's rich indigenous heritage.

Paracas and the Ballestas Islands: A Paradise of Marine Fauna

Paracas, located on the southern coast of Peru, is famous for its Paracas National Reserve and the nearby Ballestas Islands. These islands are often called "the poor man's Galapagos" due to their rich biodiversity. On a boat tour, you'll be able to see a wide variety of wildlife, including Humboldt penguins, fur seals, and seabirds. The Paracas National Reserve also offers stunning desert landscapes and tranquil beaches, ideal for a relaxing getaway.

Iquitos: The Door to the Peruvian Amazon

Iquitos is the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon and is accessible only by plane or boat, making it a unique destination. From Iquitos, you can embark on an adventure along the Amazon River, exploring the rainforest and its incredible biodiversity. Visit the Belén Market to experience local life and discover exotic products from the jungle. You can also stay in eco-lodges and take guided excursions to see pink dolphins, monkeys and a variety of tropical birds.

Some areas, such as Cusco and Lake Titicaca, are at high altitude. Take your time to acclimatize and drink plenty of fluids.

Peru is a country full of wonders and fascinating destinations that go beyond Machu Picchu. From the beaches of Máncora to the jungles of Iquitos, and from the mountains of Huaraz to the ancient ruins of Trujillo, there is something for everyone. Planning your trip to Peru in 2024 will allow you to discover the incredible cultural and natural diversity that this country has to offer. Pack your bags and embark on the adventure of a lifetime in Peru!

Live an experience to delight your palate and discover the unique flavors of Peru in 2024, book here

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