The most beautiful natural parks in Chocó to know.

The most beautiful natural parks in Chocó to know

Miér, 16 octubre 2019
The most beautiful natural parks in Chocó to know

Chocó is adventure, it is nature, it is flavor, it is peaceful. This could be one of the reasons why the department of Chocó has a unique charm in the country. Its vast nature of a vivid green along with the very blue waters of the sea, create wonderful landscapes that simply are not easily forgotten. And of natural areas the Chocó does know, because this department has 21 protected areas that together add a little more than 395 thousand hectares.

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In this way, the Chocó rises presents as a great destination to enjoy nature and adventure to the fullest. So on your trip to Chocó you can not miss, enjoy and explore some of its natural national parks that are beautiful, so here we recommend the best, the most beautiful and those that can not miss in your trip through Colombia.

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The best natural parks of Chocó

Ensenada Utría National Natural Park

There are few landscapes as overwhelming, magical and mysterious in Colombia and in Chocó as the Ensenada de Utría Natural Park . It has incredible landscapes where high mountains and calm waters prevail to which many marine species such as whales, turtles and even sharks migrate every year. The cove also grows and decreases according to the tide, which gives another attraction to the park.

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Los Katios National Natural Park

Los Katios Natural Park is another of the great attractions in Chocó , one of the natural wonders of Colombia and Natural Heritage of Humanity for Unesco due to the importance of its ecosystems for the balance of natural life in the world. On your visit to Los Katios you will find a diversity of amazing fauna and flora. It is one of the recommended ones to visit.

Mangroves of Bajo Baudó

Los Manglares del Bajo Baudó is one of the newest natural areas in Chocó and of great beauty. It houses a great incalculable marine diversity, as you can find corals, mangroves and rocky coastlines, it is also one of the most virgin areas of Chocó . Its waters are crystal clear and it is the place where many species of turtles come each year to lay their eggs.

The Island of the Birds

The Island of the Birds in the municipality of Capurganá in Chocó is another great place to visit especially if you are bird lovers. It is a small, very small island located 15 minutes by boat from Capurganá where migratory birds from many parts of the world settle for a long time. It is a beautiful place to meet in Capurganá.

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