Do you want to travel more this year? Follow these tips to save and travel in 2019

Do you want to travel more this year? Follow these tips to save and travel in 2019

Lun, 23 septiembre 2019
Do you want to travel more this year? Follow these tips to save and travel in 2019

Colombia is a wonderful country , it has a thousand places full of magic to discover, we know that, and like many of you, we also die to discover every bit of the land of the flavour, unfortunately with all the expenses and social commitments, it is difficult to save and travel.

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That is why it is not difficult to imagine that many; above all, travel lovers, have set their goal, travel more this 2019 and to help you fulfill that purpose here we bring you a few tips to save and travel all you want in this new year 2019.

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Tips to save and travel in 2019


1. Plan each of your expenses

Doing a detailed planning of all your expenses is the first step to start saving and traveling more this year. With this first step you can define what expenses are essential and you can not do without them, and those expenses that are luxuries, you want them  but its ok if you do not pay for them. For example, if your place of work, study or the places you frequent are near and you are paying for a gym, you can stop paying it and stop using public transport and start using a bicycle or walking and in this way you  will not only save for two (transport and gym), but you are also helping the environment a lot. Or, on the other hand, if you are one of those who like to go out to dinner every week, you should know that for a restaurant meal you pay double or triple that what it could cost if you cook it at home, so this would be another alternative to save money ; It is not about not going out, because clearly we all need social life, but to reduce it to the minimum and essential.

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2. Do you already know where you are going to travel?

If you already have a destination between your eyebrows, this will help you to investigate and know how much you may need to cover the entire trip, from tickets to unforeseen events, in this way, you will know the budget you need, and as a result you can set small weekly or daily goals to fulfill your purpose of saving and traveling.


3. Visit places few known

If you have already chosen or not chosen your destination, you should keep in mind that the few known destinations turn out to be much cheaper. Let's see, Cartagena , Bogota, Medellin , are very popular destinations therefore for this reason prices rise. And as I said, Colombia is a country that has many little known places, so, instead of going for the same destinations as always, you can explore a little more and choose places like Cauca , where the archaeological site Tierradentro is located and the beautiful city of Popayán , Cabo de La vela and Punta Gallinas in La Guajira. Or the Sanctuary of Las Lajas in Nariño. Even some Heritage Villages of Colombia , can be an excellent option.

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4. Travel in low season

This does not need explanation, everyone knows that traveling in the low season is cheaper that to do so when everyone is on vacation. And another plus, is that the places will not be crowded with people, so you will be able to appreciate them better and take better photos.


5. Stay in hostels

Another way to save money when traveling is to sleep in hostels, because they are much cheaper than staying in hotels. It is true that you have to share a room with unknown people, but it is a good way to meet people if you travel alone , and most of them are respectful of other people's belongings, and if you are very suspicious, you can use the lockers that hostels have available for their guests.

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6. Do not consume anything in tourist areas

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An other tip to save and travel more , is to avoid buying things in tourist areas, because as you already know the prices in the crowded places increase exaggeratedly, instead of that you can go to less crowded places to do your shopping or instead of eating in tourist restaurants, go to the places where local people eat, in this way you will not only save money , but you will taste the true flavor of the typical food and learn more about the local culture. And so you know where to eat on the street, do it only in the places you see full of people, these are usually better and more hygienic.


7. Plan ahead

And last but not least, if you want to save a lot of money , plan your trip with time. At least three or four months. This will give you time to think about all the details of the trip and of course to get cheaper tickets, as well as accommodation.

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If you are traveling through Colombia, know what are the plans that you can not stop doing , among which you can visit the UNESCO World Heritage monuments. If you like history you can not miss visiting the oldest cities in Colombia , or you can also travel through  the liberating route . And if you want to discover new places, here we have all the info for you.

And thats it, with these tricks we are sure that you will fulfill your New Year's resolution to save and travel more, although we must warn that these tips per se , will not assure you that you will travel more, however the discipline, perseverance and desire that you put  to follow these tips will.


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